More ways to get connected

If you are 18 or older, we would love to have you join us. Transit meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm for a weekly Bible study in the church Fellowship Hall. Pastor Cody leads the Transit ministry. Contact Pastor Cody for details at
Family Focus
Our ministry for married couples and families with school aged children.
Family Focus seeks to encourage young families in their faith journey through challenging Bible studies, fun activities, meaningful community, and Christ-centered service. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall and is led by Pastor Yves.
Family Focus seeks to encourage young families in their faith journey through challenging Bible studies, fun activities, meaningful community, and Christ-centered service. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall and is led by Pastor Yves.

B2 is our adult ministry for anyone 30 years and older, single or married. The ministry meets once a month for an activity such as Potluck and Game Night, Christmas Party, and Beach Night. Join us for a potluck and game night on Friday, March 14th at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a salad, main dish or dessert. Any questions contact the Munyans 207-752-4047.

If you or your children enjoy music, there is a choir for you. Choirs are led by Karen Mathews.
Adult choir - Practices are Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. We sing in both services on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.
Kid's choir - 1st - 5th grade. Practices are Sundays at 4:30 pm.
Handbell choir - If you can count to 10, you can play the bells. We are currently not practicing right now.
If you have any questions please contact Karen Mathews at (207) 251.9496 or
Adult choir - Practices are Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. We sing in both services on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.
Kid's choir - 1st - 5th grade. Practices are Sundays at 4:30 pm.
Handbell choir - If you can count to 10, you can play the bells. We are currently not practicing right now.
If you have any questions please contact Karen Mathews at (207) 251.9496 or

Tech and Worship Teams
The function of our tech andworship ministry is to serve the body of believers by leading them into God exalting worship. Have you considered using your talent on a worship team or on the tech team? Worship teams practice on Thursday evenings and lead worship in both services on Sundays.

Connect to Care
The mission of the Connect to Care ministry is to promote long term caring connections through regular contact with those who, due to life circumstances, find it difficult to be engaged with the everyday life of EBC. The ministry involves regular visitations, cards, letters, calls, texts and email as well as card and craft-making for holiday baskets. Contact Donna Perkins for more info. There is also a "Helping Hands" aspect that assists those in need of help with budget making, rides to appointments/groceries, etc.., tech assistance, small household projects. If this would be of interest contact Ralph Perkins.

Prayer Ministry
The mission of our prayer ministry is for believers at EBC to intentionally and faithfully seek God's face by boldly approaching His throne in anticipation of His response. The vision is for the faithful at EBC to regularly encounter the living God. The prayer group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm in Fellowship Room #2. The prayer group is led by Ralph Perkins.