
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Mission Trip Information Meeting

You have the opportunity to change your world by going on a mission trip! Two trips are being planned. One to Guatemala in the spring and one to Tanzania in the fall.

Sunday, February 2nd in the fellowship hall after the 2nd service there will be an information meeting for anyone who is interested in any of these two trips. Come to the meeting and get more details about the trips, it is not a commitment in any way.

Meet Our Missionaries

Bob & Judy Kuzman

Bob currently works with the national team of Lifelines, which is the outdoor and experiential learning arm of the campus ministry.  Judy works with the "You're Not Alone" initiative, which is a ministry to CRU parents whose children are on difficult journeys.  She is also a sabbatical coach for vocational ministers and a practicing Spiritual Director.

Click here to read their latest newsletter

Rick & Ruth Odess

Missions Door
Rick and Ruth have been organizing short term mission trips for 15 years.

Click here to learn more
Click here to read their latest newsletter
Watch their highlight video

Kara LaPierre

Will be returning in 2025 and praying that God will open doors for her to establish a home where kids can feel safe, loved and valued.

Sweet Selah Ministry 

Sharon Gamble
Sweet Selah is a ministry led by Sharon that provides tools and support for women to learn to stop and be still, experience the love of God through His word and learn to work from resting in God's love for them.

Click here to learn more
Watch the highlight video

Jessica Wyman

Ukraine/House of Compassion
Jessica works with orphans in Ukraine since 1997.  

Click here to learn more
Watch her highlight video

Aaron & Stacy Jex

Ethnos 360
Currently Aaron and Stacy are serving at the Ethos 360 Bible Institute in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  This is the where missionaries receive their first stage of missionary training.

Click here to learn more
Watch their highlight video

Jon and Angie Button

Ethnos 360
Jon and Angie have been serving for 18 years in Tanzania with Ethos 360.

Click here to learn more

Mission 10:10

Fekadu Shenkute
Mission 10:10 ministers to families in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Currently they run two Safe Haven Homes that house 14 kids and employ 11 staff.  They also have 46 children/families sponsored that they supply food for monthly.

Click here to learn more
Watch their highlight video

House of  Hope

Mike Hennessey
House of Hope is a ministry in Berwick that provides free meals throughout the week and a food pantry for those who need assistance.  Different teams from churches and the community of about 150 volunteer to help provide over 250 meals a week.

Click here to learn more
Watch their highlight video

His Mansion

Courtney Jones
His Mansion is a community of broken people who have a deep understanding of both their own deep need for Jesus and of His deep love for them.

Click here to learn more
Read their latest newsletter
Watch their highlight video


Mike Younus
Options is a pregnancy center located in Rochester, NH that looks to affirm life, speaks into the hearts of women and men, and join them with experiencing the miracle of life.  Currently they have 14 people on staff and 4 key volunteers.

Click here to learn more
Watch their highlight video

David and Martha Macomber

After 35 years of ministry with WorldVenture, we are considered semi-retired, and serve I have with Filipino churches. I also do an online educational ministry with overseas Filipino pastors, and Martha continues to serve in education online.

Watch their highlight video